Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Man, winter is taking forEVER!!

So more snow today. Cause the 14 inches we got from our friend Nemo was not enough. :) We are trying to make the best of it.  On Sunday we put on our snowshoes and went for a walk in the woods. Wow what a work out on the hips. Felt good to be out. We haven't seen much sun recently and we are getting a little cranky. And by we I really mean Lynn. She absolutely hates February. In her mind it is the longest month on the calendar. Winter should be ending yet more snow arrives. I discovered that many areas see 40% of their annual snowfall in Feb so clearly it is not the end of winter. Perhaps we should readjust our expectations.
It does seem like it is a particularly long winter this year. I attribute it to the fact that for the first time in my life I actually enjoyed the summer. While maintaining the garden was intense at times, it really felt good to be out. Cathartic. And of course grilling. I LOVE to grill food. In fact, we are having a cookout next week in an effort to bring some summer here. Vegetables, baked potatoes, and meat. I dont care if it snows or sleets, I am having a damn charcoal-grilled steak!! I bought a blue weber in honor of the occasion. I have a beast of a charcoal grill but it is too early to bring her out. She is not finished hibernating. :)

I snapped some pics over the last week. Mr. Cardinal was back so I couldn't help getting him.
And while I was snapping pics of him something caught the corner of my eye.

Seriously? How cute is this little guy? He had just finished one of his many snow tunnels. Nemo was here but not in full force. He looks as though he is wishing it away.

Later that night I was really impressed by our solar lights. Check out the buried light on the left still glowing. Now that's a lamp!!

And last but not least, a pic of our driveway the next morning.
you would think we lived in Antarctica. And believe me it feels like it some days. We were out in 15 degree temps removing the beautiful drifts. Of course I got to use my fabulous Kubota which is never a bad thing. I think Winter is nature's way of saying "slow down". Relax, rest up and eat. Spring will be here before you know it and you will be busy prepping and planting, digging and weeding.

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