Friday, April 12, 2013

There’s a new movement afoot…

Called the Fossil Fuel Resistance.  It has no one leader, but is rather a growing, global grassroots movement to address climate change.  I think almost everyone with even a fraction of a working brain now acknowledges that the planet is in the midst of a climate shift; a shift that will likely result in a planet that is significantly less hospitable to humans and most of the animals and plants we currently take for granted.

I’m not going to get preachy here because we’re all guilty of enjoying lives made more convenient and comfortable by the extensive use of fossil fuels; there really is no facet of our existence that remains untouched by fossil fuels – our food system, our clothing, our heat sources, our electricity, our transportation systems, etc. all use fossil fuels on some level.  We would live in a vastly different world if we had never harnessed that power.

But we are reaching (some would say “have reached”) a turning point.  The generations that come after us will be the ones who pay the price for our ubiquitous use of fossil fuel; and, not surprisingly, the movement is really gaining momentum among those younger generations. 

The organization,, founded by Bill McKibben (author of several books about climate change), is spearheading this grassroots movement to stop the pervasive use of fossil fuels in an attempt to slow down climate change. is encouraging groups of people to watch a new movie it has released called “Do the Math” on April 21st at 7:00pm.  If you’re interested in sponsoring a group in your area and watching the trailer, click here.  We'll be hosting a gathering at our home if you want to make the trek up here!

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