Monday, January 13, 2014

January Thaw

I know it's been a while since either of us put up a post. We have been busy recovering from the holidays and mostly the lovely perks that winter brings.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been treated to high winds (still don't see the freaking benefit of wind, and believe me I have tried), freezing rain, heavy rain, snow and more snow, ice and snow build-up on the roofs, flooding, etc. At one point the other night I turned to Lynn and asked "Can locust survive in the cold?"

This season is proving to be a costly one. I have had to buy a lot of ice melt for one. We had to repair the snow blower twice (because it is inferior to the beloved tractor but useful in the paths), two broken gutters, two outside lights ripped off, a bird feeder obliterated, a tree decimated...all from falling ice off of the roofs (hey how come the plural for that isn't rooves?) Our upstairs heat stopped due to a frozen inside line so we learned to keep the heat on a higher setting up there and I got an education on furnaces and baseboard heating. The list goes on but I get annoyed just thinking about it. Oh yeh, both Lynn and I got sick with a nasty cold/flu thing.

So now we are in a thaw. We are seeing temps in the 30s and 40s. This is t-shirt weather for us at this point, lol. No seriously, I can go out with just a t-shirt and hoodie and not even feel the cold. I guess I have acclimated. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. And with the thaw comes the melting of  snow. And with the melting of snow comes water in our basement. The work never ends.

I guess my tone is less than positive at this point. Don't fret. It's just the post-holiday blahs with a hint of "oh my F'ing god why did we move here" tossed in. To be expected. I just need a reminder of why we came here. I am confident that reminder will come. Sooner rather than later is preferred. Maybe I will go out and sit on my Kubota for inspiration.


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