Monday, November 17, 2014

This morning's snow

As Nora's post mentioned, we received (and Mother Nature is still giving) our first true, sticking snow last evening with a coating of about an inch on all surfaces by early this morning.

For anyone who thinks that animals take the change in seasons in stride and that it's just us humans that complain, you should have been at the farm this morning.  There was nothing but a constant stream of expletives from everyone but the dogs.  The sheep and ducks were still screaming at me as I headed out to the office at 8:30, several hours after letting them outside for the morning...Nora just emailed to say the sheep were still baa'ing at her whenever she walked outside and it's now almost 1pm!  She had to entice them back to the barn and remind them they have plenty of hay in the feeders to eat.  Unfortunately, they're only interested in throwing a hissy fit that their grass has been covered with this dreadful white stuff.  The ducks have yet to accept the fact that it's too cold for their daily constitutional in the pool, despite temps in the 30s for over a week. The hens just down-right refuse to leave the comfort of their coops; they're no fools.  Only the dogs (especially the puppy) enjoyed their first romp of the season in the snow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel their pain. We haven't gotten any snow here yet but I will be complaining as soon as I see the first snow flake and until it all melts in (hopefully) March. Winter is NOT for me.