Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I think Spring may have arrived…

Sunday was sunny, in the mid 60s and glorious.  Yesterday was breezy and in the mid-70s!  Too warm for my taste in early April, but can I really complain?  We opened the windows and allowed the wonderful spring air to push out the staleness of winter.  Sunday was all about outside clean-up: gathering the detritus that winter leaves behind, pulling pine boughs off peony beds, and gathering the many branches pruned from the fruit trees and shrubs.  I also spent a fair amount of time on Sunday in the mixed borders, gently pruning and pulling dead leaves and stalks from the top of the burgeoning perennials.  Green was peaking out everywhere – the Lady’s Mantle and day lilies were already forming mounds of lime green leaves and the tops of tulips, daffodils, and alliums poked up through the warming soil.   The wood line and yard were alive with the sounds of birds, hens and ducks – even the occasional sheep baa’ing from the pasture. 
Spring had finally arrived.  I could feel it in the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze that smelled of damp earth, the sounds of life re-awakening after the winter slumber.  I could feel the energy of the animals and plants as everyone collectively stretched unused muscles, breathed in the warm air of spring, and welcomed the stirring of a new beginning.
And as if that weren’t satiating enough, in the evening, as dusk arrived, so too did the raucous chorus of the peepers.  They were back!  The true harbingers of spring in my mind.  Nora led me to the door and opened it with a big smile, knowing how thrilled I would be to hear them for the first time this season.

What a marvelous couple of days.

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