Monday, July 22, 2013

I know, I know more flowers please

I apologize for not posting pictures of Lynn's gorgeous flowers recently. I have an excuse though. One, the weather has been craptastic until yesterday, and two I am being stalked in my own yard.
That's right. Among these beautiful flower and vegetable gardens lurks a beast like no other. The name, Dark Venom. The game, instill fear in Nora whenever possible. I am often outside walking around our fields, gardens, etc. performing any number of tasks when out of the blue leaps a giant 6 foot long black mamba named Dark Venom.(In Lynn's mind this creature is about a foot long and is of the garden variety. but perception is reality, so remember that.) My heart stops every time. She is the master of surprise. I go out into the dog area and BAM, she is there darting in front of me forcing me to quickly abort my next step as though I am at the edge of a mountain afraid of falling off. Ugh. I go out to the vegetable garden and BOOM, she appears out of no where with her ludicrous lightening speed, once again darting in front of me. Laughing as she flits away. And it's one of those heinous, evil laughs like Ursula the Sea Witch. To the passerby I must look rather funny aborting steps here and there.
The other day I was helping Lynn in the sheep area. Who was there, waiting? Thankfully not Dark Venom, but one of her numerous young minions known as, Icky Fang. Lynn was quick to act and relocated IF to the woods. Whew, another close call. These numerous frightful encounters have put me on guard. I now hop over known Dark Venom hangouts. I wear protective footwear rather than comfortable sandals. I am always looking around at the ground when I walk now knowing that she is there. And she is, just waiting for her next attack. CURSE YOU DARK VENOM!!

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