Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lynn gets her freak on

It's that time of year again when the ghouls and goblins come out. No, I am not talking about our Congress. I am referring to Halloween. Over the last week a couple of our friends commented that they were disappointed on the lack of spooky décor at our house. You see Lynn has a penchant for things freakish and scary and decorates every year. Except this year. She told me that since she was not planning on hosting a party then there was no point. You gotta love the mission driven types. I shared that if this was something she loved than she should do it for herself. Much to my chagrin she actually listened. Normally I would be thrilled that she heeded my advice but in this instance I just should have shut up. You see, I like happy things like puppies, birds, and pink lemonade. And now, because I am too caring, my dining room looks like this.
why yes that is a life-sized cocooned corpse hanging upside down in a giant spider web. Doesn't everyone have one? LOL. I will share more pics of our house in the coming week, cause this ain't all, believe me. I really need to learn when to keep quiet.

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