Thursday, November 14, 2013

I like to rock!

Good day to you. This is a bit of a random post but that is kinda how my brain works.
I love to attend live auctions. I enjoy walking around inspecting the goods during the preview, sizing up the competition, and the game itself, the bidding. All in all a good time to be had.
Apparently, the result of many an auction is my acquiring a rocking chair.  I suppose you could call me an inadvertent collector. I don't consciously seek out these chairs. I just end up with them somehow. There is something incredibly appealing about this type of chair. I am not sure I can articulate what exactly it is. I was not raised with them so there is no childhood attachment. I don't really even spend much time sitting in them. So what is it about them? I suppose they just look very warm and inviting. Homey. Comforting. Earthy. Who knows. I thought I would share some pics of my chairs. Oh and of course, I have been banned from getting any more. :(


Unknown said...

It's probably the "grandma" in you! :)

Unknown said...

um, doubtful. :)