Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This morning

This morning's walk out to the sheep....

The circle garden

Jackmanii clematis in the arbor

Astilbe in the shade garden
 Finally, some signs of life in the vegetable garden.

Potatoes - hilled twice already, although you wouldn't know it

Scarlet runner beans; calendula and peppers

Squashes and geranium

Yellow and red onions with shallots

Lettuces, cabbage, cauliflower and sage
 With the sheep...
Tallulah and Delilah wondering where their hay is and why I have this black contraption in front of my face

Jem and Delilah happily eating.  They have an entire pasture of grass, where they spend parts of their day, but they are spoiled and like a little 2nd cut hay as an appetizer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everything looks gorgeous and the sheep are so cute now that their coat has grown a little bit!