Monday, September 15, 2014

Potatus Gigantus

Last week I harvested the red potatoes. The plants had died off a couple of weeks earlier so it was time. I had forgotten that Lynn also planted some russet tubers in the same row so I kept digging. This is what I found.

Now come on. That potato deserves its own zip code. Next to it is a full-sized travel coffee mug. A meal in itself.
I also found evidence that we have been invaded by voles. Yes voles, not moles. Basically, a mouse that likes to eat freaking potatoes. What a bunch of assVoles eating my russets. Go for the fancy yellow ones that Lynn likes and leave my favorites alone!!. Obviously, I am not a fan of the vole.


Steve said...

Looks like you pulled up part of the state of Idaho.

Unknown said...

I did. In fact, I just got a tax bill from them in the mail. :(