Friday, May 22, 2015

The vignette

I like to create vignettes in the garden.  When creating a new border, I conjure it up in my mind's eye and try to imagine how the colors and textures will flow at its peak.  Last fall, I planted just such a grouping of bulbs under a young crab apple.  I hoped the light blue of the camassia cusickii and forget-me-nots would blend with the vibrant purple orbs of allium aflatunense "Purple Sensation," the shades of which would be reflected in the light and dark pinks of the apple blossoms -- all set off by the brilliant yellows and whites of the narcissus at their feet.

It almost worked.  Unfortunately, the narcissus bloomed a week too early, whether from my miscalculation in species (early bloomer v. mid-spring bloomer) or the unseasonably warm temps, I don't know.  Nonetheless, there were 3-4 days when the pinks, purples and blues were stunningly complimentary of one another.  However, I missed the photo op, which was prematurely shattered when the strong winds of the last few days removed all of the apple blossoms.  Modification: once the leaves of the narcissus die back, I will dig up the bulbs and in the fall, they will be relocated to the orchard where they will be allowed to "naturalize."  I will replace them in this border with a mid-spring yellow tulip instead.

Note the spent heads of the narcissus and the lack of apple blossoms, although I still love the burgundy leaves of this crab apple.  The forget-me-nots are in their first year; still too small to show in this photo, but they are tucked in amidst the narcissus.  Next year, the blue and yellow of the forget-me-nots and camassia while look stunning against the yellow tulips. There is always next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How beautiful Lynn!