Friday, May 22, 2015

"What is a weed?"

"But a plant whose virtues have never been discovered." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Clearly Emerson hired gardeners and never weeded a day in his life!  

Nora and I spent days clearing weeds and straw mulch (winter covering) from the beds in the kitchen garden, and I spent another couple planting seeds and transplants.  As you can see, the garlic (planted last November), onions, shallots and strawberries are looking good.  We also have signs of life among the beets, carrots, kale, swiss chard and lettuces - all planted several weeks ago.  Recently sown: cucumbers, summer squashes, potatoes, green beans, black beans, marigolds, borage, chamomile, chives, leeks, edamame, cosmos, zinnias, echinacea, sweet peas. and calendula.  Still waiting in the wings for the last of the cold evenings to receed - 5 different types of tomatoes and 2 types of sweet peppers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow - that looks amazing! I am like Emerson - never weeded a day in my life - but can appreciate all your hard work!