Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year Cont'd

And so out went the invite. The next morning I get an email with a phone follow up from Tim. The email was from him, or rather his alternate ego, Lord Mushroom of the Knights of Crown Royal, to me, The Queen with a plea to rally the troops. The email I wrote below is the result of our conversation, and his email. This was sent to all invitees. You can see how this whole thing starts to take on a new life, thanks to Tim.

Good People of Scotchery,
It is I, your Queen of the Cordials, Spirits, and Firewater lands of the North. I have dispatched this Royal Raven to you in an effort to convey the latest information received from our Royal Knights, who are bravely scouting our great lands in search of the Barbarian King Budrick Weiser, confused ruler of DeBeers, and self purported ruler of the North. My brave and dear people, I, your Queen, implore you to gather your forces and secure your lands, and more importantly, your grog supply. This is a time that requires strength and vigor, neither are in short supply in these lands. We must preserve our way of life, our people, and more importantly, our hooch. Below you will find the first of many dispatches from the field. This first comes from none other than Lord Knight Mushroom.
Queen Lee;

The Barbarian King Budrick Weiser, King of the North, and Ruler of the DeBeers, has been seen north of the Mall marching south.  

Unimpeded his horde will reach us as soon as the "Eve of the Year that is New!"
Please forward ravens to the Marvelous Heroes of the Realm to warn and rally them!!!!

The Knights of "Lee", order of the Crown Royal, are preparing to defend Queen's Landing,
we have consulted the "Holy Book of Armaments", and the forges of Castle LaRue and our war engineers are "Fired Up!"

Our spies will alert us of enemy advances, and we will periodically send a raven updating you on our defensive preparations.

Member of the Queens Guard
The Mushroom Knight
Your somewhat humble, Queen Oban Lee, ruler of the aforementioned areas


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