Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year part 3 - The rabbit

So where was I? Oh yes, we went out with the rally email. Later that afternoon, Tim, Pete, and McKay show up twice to deliver parts of the rabbit that they had been constructing. Here is a pic of the form they built.

The based is comprised of three lightweight older doors with a wooden track atop.The form is primarily soldered rebar with pvc serving as a support for the head.

Jump ahead a couple of days. Lorna and Tim show up and we head out to the woods to gather lean, young trees for use in the wattling technique of the body. Here are some pics of the process:

After much wattling and wood collecting we ended up with an almost complete rabbit shown here.

The rabbit will be finished up this morning. I believe we are at the stage where we will use a mixture of pine boughs and grapevine for the finishing touches. Logs will be placed inside(yes, we left an opening to insert them) for use in the fire. The structure will be relocated, by many hands, to the appropriate place in our field.

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