Friday, December 12, 2014


Lynn has mentioned before that Wilma has not been exactly welcoming towards Tilly. We have been working on this. Slow and steady wins the race. Under normal circumstances, integrating would be faster but given the incredible size difference, we have decided to take it easy and glide into it.
Today Tilly and Wilma spent some time outside together sans Magnolia. (who is on the mend with a sprained foot, probably resulting from her numerous play sessions with the little one) Wilma initiated wanting to go outside so I complied. The result was terrific. Tilly was thrilled and Wilma was quite happy with herself.
Wanna go for a  walk? wanna? wanna? huh? huh?
Tilly just thrilled and trying to keep up

WOW, you're really big
The Dil was so patient having Tilly underneath her for most of the walk