Friday, June 20, 2014


I have returned home after a difficult couple of weeks. Lynn did a pretty good job of posting while I was away. I say pretty good, cause, well, let's not get carried away. :)
Anyhoo, yesterday I decided to get back into the swing of things so I headed out to the garden with the collinear hoe in hand ready to attack the never ending weeds. I completed the asparagus, edamame, sunflowers, bush beans, and the pumpkin patch. Not bad if I say so myself. My reward? A big fat blister at the joint where my thumb meets the hand. For real? So much for gloves.

After my weed slaughter, it was time to let the ducklings out. And not just out in the pen but in their new duck pool. So I inflated it old school style using my lungs, while smoking of course, (an act that thoroughly impressed Jim) and filled it with water. Time to bring the girls out. And here they are:
Their joy while swimming and splashing was infectious. I pulled up a chair and sat with them for a while, just basking in their glee. The sun was shining brighter, the sky got bluer, and the grass, a little greener.

Hope your day is a fantastic one,

Mother of Ducklings

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am not able to see the video but I am sure it was a lot of fun watching those little ducks swimming in their pool! I am glad you are feeling better. You are a rock for so many of us - we need you healthy and happy! Counting the days . . . XOXO