Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Over the weekend

The weather was spectacular this past weekend -- sunny and not too hot.  We had a busy one beginning with the new coop delivery Friday evening.

We bought it from Adirondack Storage Barns, of course; the same company that made and delivered our gazebo, garage and sheep barn.  I love these guys, and their amazing truck, that can rotate and drop a structure anywhere you want it.  Josh is so adept the truck barely left tire tracks in the grass.  MadeIt and Daisy2 are loving their new digs (which they will eventually have to share with the ducks, but they don't need to know that right now), and our smelly, not so little ducklings have been moved outside to the "temporary" coop Jim constructed almost 2 years ago.  I setup some 2' high fencing around the side of the coop for their pool and water, and now they have access to the coop, the covered run-in and a small pool cabana, complete with cabana "moms" who wait on them constantly -- oh, to be one of our pets!

Saturday was largely spent in the vegetable garden with some spot weeding, spot planting (filling in gaps left by the crows and slugs) and hilling potatoes.  Can I just say that I HATE hilling potatoes?!  But after about 20 trips to the compost pile with multiple wheelbarrows, the little buggers are hilled and the weedy spaces in between rows have been covered in cardboard and straw.  Saturday evening we actually took a break and have a lovely dinner outside on the patio with Tess, Mike and the kids.  Sunday, more gardening in the flower beds (with many of them left to tend to...)

Some random pics from this past weekend...

Achillea millefolium (Paprika Yarrow).  Drought tolerant, and grows well in almost any soil type. They make excellent cut flowers, and they bloom from summer to early fall if you deadhead faithfully.  An excellent butterfly attractor as well.  They do spread out a bit, so need some room to fill in.
Bird bath viewed through the Astilbe that is on the cusp of flowering
"Sarah Bernhardt" peony -- bloom about ready to drop
Nora's close-up of the glow ball in the garden; looks like Europa  -- taken on a sunny day, so a particularly cool shot
One of our little friends
"Carding Mill" rose -- a David Austin creation.  Isn't she beautiful?


Anonymous said...

The peony is gorgeous! Really cool shot of the glow ball, but what exactly is it? Like a garden gazing ball?

Unknown said...

Sorry, just saw your comment. It's much smaller than the old, garden gazing balls - maybe 4-5 " across and it sits on top of a 3' stake. It's solar powered and at night it rotates btw red, green and blue light. It's small and subtle, which meets my garden requirements, but glows multiple colors at night, which makes Nora happy :)

Unknown said...

Yes, the rose is very beautiful.