Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jump Back to 7/2011 - The Arrival of the Brood

When: July 7, 2011
Where: Our new permanent home
What: Adding the first of our farm animals.
The phone rings and it is the USPS calling to let us know our special package has arrived and is awaiting pick up. This is the big day. We finally get our baby chick hens. Who knew that you could order them online and have them shipped a day old, directly to your Post Office? And don't worry, for those who are concerned, apparently chicks can live without food for a day after hatching. I fretted about that for a bit. Lynn's brother built a brooder box for the little ones shown here:

And so our little tykes arrive at the house. Here they are in the box they were shipped in.

The hens we ordered are for the purpose of laying. And given we live in North Country, we went with the heartiest breeds. The mix is as follows: 2 Americaunas (Easter Eggers), 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Wyandottes, and 2 Buff Orpingtons.

When chicks are young, you have to show them how to drink and eat, as well as clean their vents. (a.k.a. cute little bums) I, of course elected to continue taking pictures rather than physically assaulting these young things. Lynn handles things of that nature. She has a stronger stomach and no sense of personal space apparently.

I felt violated for the poor little girl. But a clean vent is important.

And here they all are in their comfy new temporary home.

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