Thursday, June 27, 2013

His name is now PITA

The rabbit, formerly known as Archie, has been a naughty and busy little man. In a previous post(don't fence me in) I talked about a new garden fence. Jim worked diligently to craft it all out of cedar. He finished it the other day and it looks great. Apparently PITA ( stands for Pain in the A$@!) thought it best to lend a hand in the process by serving as the Q A specialist. For those of you unfamiliar with the role, their job, put simply, is to try and break things.

The other morning Lynn and I received the results of his test.

Almost a perfect square. Kudos.
This enterprising young man made the decision to expand his QA skills to some of the plants. The purpose of this test was to measure the heartiness of young edamame plants post-decimation as pictured here:

The results of this exercise will take weeks. We are hoping for a positive outcome. While we appreciate his initiative, we are looking at re-assignment tasks for PITA that may involve a relocation.


Martha said...

QA is always underappreciated.

Unknown said...

Not by those who have foresight :)