Friday, June 14, 2013

Under water

Metaphorically and physically, for what feels like the past several weeks.  Not only has my paying job been busier, which means less time at home to knock out to-dos (other than the “has to happen” animal-related chores), but the weather has been wholly uncooperative.  It feels like we have had 2 weeks of rain and cold with maybe 2 days of partial sun during that stretch and for several days we had biblical rains.  The backyard looked like a rice paddy, portions of the vegetable garden were quite literally underwater, the chickens were up to their feathered bellies in mud once again, and the only things growing successfully in the deluge seems to be the weeds and grass!  And of course it is too wet to do anything about either. Ugh.

So, I just close my eyes as I walk from the car into the house in the evening, hoping that if I don’t look at the 2’ tall grass and prolific weeds they will somehow cease to exist.  Alas, when I step outside in the morning, they are still there – mocking me.

Nora has been doing what she can around the uncooperative weather.  She was able to weed the larger of the strawberry beds yesterday (we weeded and mulched the smaller bed over the weekend), and this morning the soil was dry enough, finally, to hill the potatoes (those that had already grown several inches prior to being submerged; who knows if the others will make it, or just rot in the ground).  She’s probably out there now attempting to weed portions of the vegetable garden. 

Here’s hoping for a 2 day stretch without rain!

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