Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ya just can't make this stuff up

So as I posted earlier, I saved a baby robin from certain doom via our dogs, Ruby specifically. While I was sitting on the screened in porch on the side of our house I happen to see one of the rabbits right near the road. I thought to myself, "are you kidding me?" "Now I have to watch out for you too?" I watch as he hopped closer to the road within 2 feet from the bike lane. WHOOSH, a car goes by and scares him back into the yard. Thank goodness he is afraid of them and darted back in. So I go back into the house more relaxed. But I do decide to check on him a little bit later. I walk over to one of our front windows to see him. I hear a little tussle at the front door. I thought "It must be Lynn putting the key in the lock". Nope. Guess who it was?

Can you believe it? Neither could I. I slowly grabbed my camera and got this shot. She is literally on our front doorstep. Then she flew onto the rail of our steps. This girl like rails. Lynn pulls in the driveway and I caution her to walk slowly because the rabbit is still close enough to the road(don't want her to spook him) and the baby is on the rail. Her face lit up as I was telling her the story. As we are standing there determining our next course of action, none other than Hosta appears out from the lilies, also way too close to the road. For real people? Holy crap! sticky situations popping up all over. One quick move and someone could get hurt. So we decided that Lynn would get on the other side of the road fence and scare the rabbit back into the yard. Success. Off he went well into the yard at this point. What's that in the sky? A hawk? What's next? A tiger gonna come at us? Man. We waited until the hawk left the area before we encouraged Hosta to move. Now what to do about baby?
Lynn guided her towards the other side of the yard, opposite the dog area. She hopped onto the split rail where her mom joined her. I was able to witness mom feeding her. Very cool. I was too far to get a pic. I had to keep moving back in order for mom to approach. But I got this shot at least.

And now I need a drink, so I'm gonna bounce.

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